Publié le 1 Novembre 2008
J'ai toujours adoré cette chanson, sans vraiment en connaître ni le titre ni l'interprête. Alors je suis ravie de l'avoir trouvée sur Dailymotions et de vous la présenter ici. Je sais, elle ne date pas d'hier... Mais elle n'a pas pris une ride ! Et si vous voulez comprendre le sens de la chanson, lisez les paroles en dessous. Ensuite, c'est libre interprétation !
twenty-five years and still
trying to get up that great big hill of hope
i realized quickly when i knew i should
that the world was made up of this brotherhood of man
for whatever that means
and so i cry sometimes
when i'm lying in bed
just to get it all out
what's in my head
and i start feeling a little peculiar
and so i wake in the morning
and i step outside
and i take a deep breath and i get real high
and i scream from the top of my lungs
what's going on?
and i say, hey hey hey hey
i said hey, what's going on?
ooh, ooh ooh
and i try, oh my god do i try
i try all the time, in this institution
and i pray, oh my god do i pray
and i pray, oh my god do i pray
for a revolution
and so i cry sometimes
when i'm lying in bed
just to get it all out
what's in my head
and i start feeling a little peculiar
and so i wake in the morning
and i step outside
and i take a deep breath and i get real high
and i scream from the top of my lungs
what's going on?
and i say, hey hey hey hey
i said hey, what's going on?
twenty-five years and my life is still
trying to get up that great big hill of hope
for a destination